Put Your Relationship on a Merry-go-round
March 3, 2025
What is Your “Planet of Beliefs?”
March 6, 2025The arrow of time goes in both directions. The difference between the past and the future, is that you have no memory of the future. The past pushes the time arrow in one direction even though in physics, there is no actual rule that time only moves in one direction. The past informs you. It gives you an opportunity to reconsider your experience and make choices about the future. But, the future, while it is not determinative, is able to be altered by your specific actions. Think of it this way. The past does not exist. The future does not exist and the present is the only real moment that exists.
So, how can you predict the future when it does not exist? Well, you cannot simply predict it, even with your prior’s and the sense that probabilistically, a certain outcome will prevail. The way you increase the probability of being correct with your predictions about the future comes down to the actions you take.
Now, we know that new actions lead to unexpected outcomes, so even taking actions designed to produce a particular future, opens up the possibility that the outcome will in fact be unpredictable.
Even so, you are sitting there, contemplating a future you would like to create. One that works for you. What do you do given that new actions lead to unexpected outcomes? Are you worried about knowing how to judge if its worthwhile to take the action, unsure of the outcome? Well, here is the thing. Knowing makes no difference. Remember, new actions lead to unexpected outcomes, so knowing the future you expect to have happen is pointless given that it will likely be an outcome you did not predict. Instead, take specific actions to bring about the future you desire, stay committed to the process and stay in action, and you will find that not only does a wonderful future unfold, but that it will likely be better than you can possibly imagine!
Take my relationship with my sexy wife. While I was in action to create a relationship that was sex forward and kink forward with sexy sexually self-expressed woman, I had no idea it would turn out like this. We are deeply in love, happier than either of us has ever been and enjoying the best sex of our lives every single day. If you told me 8 years ago, that in 8 years I would be living the life I am living today, I doubt I would have believed you. Having walked down this road though, I can tell you that I would not have it any other way. Like I said, it worked out better than I could have possibly imagined!
New actions lead to unexpected outcomes, so you don’t need to know what the outcome will be before you take action. Knowing makes no difference. Life occurs in action. That is the secret sauce to manifesting a future that only otherwise occurs in your dreams.